Still Calling for images

Second Lieut. George E. Stone, Signal Corps, United States Army, in charge Fourth Army Corps Photo Unit. Cochem, Germany. January 9, 1919. Sgt. Charles E. Mace. (Army)

by Jose Lopez

Still need images of “Old Timers” in action!  We are very under represented. “Old Timers,” in this case, is anyone who shot Film; film and video tape for you mopicers.

Looking for images of Air Force photographers using your cameras from the Korean War till AAVS was disbanded. Any images of before the Korean War would really be appreciated.

Check out what we’ve done so far with the images we’ve received at this link:

Scan or get the images scanned full frame (Slides, Prints, or Negs) at least 200 dpi JPeg (jpg); save at max quality (12) and Baseline (“Standard”).

By the way, we need both Horizontal and Vertical Images.

Please provide the 5Ws and, where possible, who shot it (if you can remember). At the very least the year and event.

Send via Dropbox or e-mail them to me at or make a CD and send it to P.O. Box 2872, Crestline, CA 92325-2872.