Military History Videos

From Pat Nugent

I ran across a company that now is “Going out of business” and it is Military History Videos www.military 760-7651283 (PST)

Video content was filmed by Combat Camera: Their videos were either produced by the military or they are military film footage that was shot by “Combat Cameramen” and compiled by Traditions Military Videos.

I have ordered five videos and fits right in with the family genealogy project that we have been working on and I wanted to pass this note along and below are a few titles that may be of interest:

600th Photo Squadron in Vietnam

Operation Babylift and New Life Vietnam Refugees

Vietnam from the Air

Berlin Airlift

American POW’s in Vietnam – from Capture to Release

Air Force in Vietnam numerous titles covering bases and specific aircraft. Cold War 1950’s – 1980’s

Along with many more titles that covering all service branches…