Vietnam Bao Chi: Warriors of Word and Film

by Ken Hackman

My friend and author Marc Phillip Yablonka, who prior to the current pandemic would be doing book signings for his book “Vietnam Bao Chi”.  He has extra copies that he will autograph and sell for $15.00 postage included.

Marc Phillip Yablonka
Author & Military Journalist
(818) 554-0756

Vietnam Bao Chi: Warriors of Word and Film Hardcover

by Marc Phillip Yablonka (Author) Bao Chi brings together interviews with 35 combat correspondents who reported on the Vietnam War. They wrote the stories of Vietnam, captured the images and filmed the television coverage of their fellow servicemen on the battlefields from the Mekong Delta in the south to the DMZ in Central Vietnam, from the Tet Offensive in 1968 to the fall of Saigon in 1975.

Editor’s Note: Several of our folks were interviewed for this book. Some of them were, Ken Hackman, Rick Fuller , Joe Montgomery, Robert Frank, David Sommers and Eddie Carroll.